Monday, November 3, 2008

obsession #499 - drop crotch

This obsession has been around for quite awhile, and until it's tested, im not letting it go. I bought a pair of harem pants a year back, but the crotch area doesn't drop as low as the ones from the current trend. They're sprouting out in every high street stores and it's unbelievably hard to resist. I've tried a few from the various stores but i feel a pinch in forking out good money for a pants that might not work on me (i'm waiting for the ones from zara to go on sale!). I continued to shop around, and finally found one for less that 40bucks to try on this crotch dropping trend. Will test it out and see how it goes, i might just dump jeans for this.


  1. this fashion has some nice ones. =D

  2. Something boys will never get! =P

  3. pinogal: thanks, will drop by some time!

    sarah: as the saying goes ''the men wont get it'' haha
